In the ME menu > MY TIMESHEETS > click on the clock icon next to the timesheet name to edit the timesheet. Click on the calendar (schedule) icon which is located next to the export option.
Your schedule will open which allows you to add events individually from your schedule.
Alternately, you can add all of your core hours and events to your timesheet by '+ Add all core hours', '+ Add all events' and '+ Add all touch'. This is a quick method of incorporating hours and events into your timesheet.
An example of events in your timesheet.
If you are adding events to your calendar and are at the same time as your core hours, it does not add extra time onto your timesheet. However if the event goes on longer and then outside of your core hours, this will add extra hours onto your timesheet. In this example, an extra 4 hours has been added on top of my core 160 hours for the month.