Using the Schedule
Phill Rodgers avatar
Written by Phill Rodgers
Updated over a week ago

The Schedule is a calendar of events yourself and your team can use keep organised.

You can use the Schedule to add Punches and events for yourself and on behalf of your Team.

Click on Schedule in the navigation which will open the Schedule in a new tab, this is so it acts as a realtime wall planner.

Click anywhere along the timeline for yourself or a Team Member. Depending on where you click defines what time your event will start, then click on '+ Add'.

Add a Name for the event and Start & End time/date. Click on the cog icon to reveal settings to change the colour of the event and other team members who might also be part of the event. Click submit to save the event.

Once saved the event will appear in the relevant team members Schedule timeline.

Adding Punches to your Schedule

Click on PUNCH in the navigation to list your Punches

Click on the 'More' icon in the top right to reveal further date filters and the 'Action' list.

Select 'Export to Schedule'.

Click the orange button to export your filtered Punch results to your Schedule.

The exported Punches will now appear in your Schedule.

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